Professor: Dr. Etienne Grossmann.
Tel: 859 257 1257 Extension 81280.
Office: 514 C Robotics building.
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 2pm - 3:15pm.
Teaching Assistant: Saikat Chakrabarti.
Office: Multilab,
in the EE Annex Building.
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30am - 12pm.
Teaching Assistant: Albert Kalim.
Office: Multilab,
in the EE Annex Building.
Office Hours: Thursday, 9am - 10:30am.
Measures: These five specific outcomes will be evaluated on the basis of student work (homeworks and exams) that will contain problems specifically addressing these outcomes. They will also be evaluated on the basis of student self-assessment of their mastery of the five outcomes performed at the end of the semester.
The average of the six best homeworks will represent 50% of your grade; the midterms will be 15% and the final 20%.
Copying of homework from other students or from other sources is strictly prohibited. Obtaining a solution from another source without citing the source is plagiarism. You are encouraged to visit Dr. Grossmann or your T.A. in their office hours or to send them email if you are stuck on homework problems. You do not need an appointment for regularly scheduled hours.
Date | Topic | Chapter |
W1: Aug. 26 | Set theory | 1.6 |
W2: Aug. 31, Sept. 2 | Mathematical proofs | 1.1-1.5 |
Sept. 6 | Labor day: no recitation. | |
W3: Sept. 7, 9 | Mathematical induction and recursive definitions; Counting. | 3.3, 4.1 |
W4: Sept. 14, 16 | Counting: unions and products, permutations, combinations, enumeration algorithms. | 4.3, 4.6 |
W5: Sept. 21, 23 | Binomial theorem; the inclusion/exclusion principle. | 4.4-4.6 |
W6: Sept. 28, 30 | Functions; inclusion/exclusion continued; review. | 1.8, 1.7, 6.5, ... |
Oct. 5 | MIDTERM | |
W7: Oct. 7 | The notion of a relation. Partial orders and equivalence relations. | 7.1,7.5-6 (+bits of 7.2, 7.4) |
W8: Oct. 12, 14 | More on relations, closures, composition, inverses and functions. | 1.8, 7.1, 7.4-6. |
W9: Oct. 19, 21 | The Pigeonhole principle; Boolean algebra: definitions and Boolean functions. | 4.2, 10.1, 10.2 |
W10: Oct. 26, 28 | Boolean algebra: logic gates and set theory. Recurrences: first-order linear; second-order | 10.1-10.3, 6.1, 6.2 |
Nov. 2 | Elections : no class. | |
W11: Nov. 4 | Recurrences: divide-and-conquer; relation to analysis of algorithms. | 2.2, 6.1-6.3 |
W12: Nov. 9, 11 | Graphs: definitions | 8.1-8.4 |
Nov. 16 | MIDTERM | |
W13: Nov. 18 | Graphs: planarity; cycles, colorings, matchings. | 8.7, 8.8, 8.5 |
W14: Nov. 23 | Trees: definitions, counting, spanning trees. | 9.1, 9.4, 9.5 |
Nov 25 | Thanksgiving : no class. | |
W15: Nov. 30, Dec. 2 | Review. | |
Dec. 7, 9 | "Dead week": no class. | |
Dec. 14 | FINAL: 1pm - 3pm Tuesday, Dec. 14th |