
  author    = {Etienne Grossmann and José António Gaspar and Francesco Orabona},
  TITLE = {Discrete camera calibration from pixel streams},
  JOURNAL =	 {Computer Vision and Image Understandng},
  NUMBER =       NN,
  PAGES =        {PP-PP},
  FILE = {Grossmannal10CVIU.pdf}

  title     = {Calibration from statistical properties of the visual world},
  booktitle = {Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision},
  year      = 2008,
  FILE      = {Grossmannal08ECCV.pdf}

  author    = {Etienne Grossmann and José António Gaspar and Francesco Orabona},
  title     = {Calibration from statistical properties of the visual world},
  booktitle = {Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision},
  year      = 2008,
  FILE      = {Grossmannal08ECCV.pdf}

  author    = {Etienne Grossmann and Francesco Orabona and José António Gaspar},
  title     = {Discrete camera calibration from the information distance between pixel streams},
  booktitle = {Proc. Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras, OMNIVIS},
  year      = 2007,
  FILE      = {Grossmannal07OmniVis.pdf}

  author    = {E. Grossmann and E-J. Lee and P. Hislop and D. Nistér and H. Stewénius},
  title     = {Are two rotational flows sufficient to calibrate a smooth non-parametric sensor?},
  booktitle = {Proc. IEEE CVPR},
  year      = 2006,
  FILE      = {Grossmannal06CVPR.pdf}

  author    = {E. Auvinet and E. Grossmann and C. Rougier and M. Dahmane and J. Meunier},
  title     = {Left-luggage detection using homographies and simple heuristics},
  booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Workshop on Performance Evaluation in Surveillance and Tracking},
  year      = 2006,
  FILE      = {Auvinetal06PETS.pdf}

  author =  {E. Grossmann and A. Kale and C. Jaynes},
  title =    {Towards interactive generation of "ground-truth" in background subtraction from partially labeled examples},
  booktitle =	   {Proc. ICCV VS-PETS workshop},
  year = 2005,
  FILE = {Grossmannal05VSPETS.pdf}

	author = "C. Jaynes and  A. Kale and  N. Sanders and E. Grossmann",
	title = "The Terrascope Dataset: A Scripted Multi-Camera Indoor Video Surveillance Dataset with Ground-truth",
	booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on VS PETS",
	year = "2005"

  author =  {D. Nist\'{e}r and H. Stewenius and E. Grossmann},
  title =    {Non-parametric self-calibration},
  booktitle = {Proc. ICCV},
  year = 2005

  author =  {E. Grossmann and A. Kale and C. Jaynes and S-C. Cheung},
  title =    {Offline generation of high-quality background subtraction data},
  booktitle =	   {Proc. BMVC},
  year = 2005,
  FILE = {Grossmannal05BMVC.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann},
  TITLE = {{A}da{T}ree : boosting a weak classifier into a decision tree},
  BOOKTITLE = {CVPR workshop on learning in computer vision and
  pattern recogntion},
  YEAR = 2004,
  FILE = {Grossmann04LCVPR.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann},
  TITLE = {A Theory of Probabilistic Boosting, Decision Trees and Matryoshki},
  NOTE = {Slightly expanded version of my ECML 06 submission},
  YEAR = 2006,
  NOTE = {arXiv:cs.LG/0607110},
  FILE = {Grossmann06ARXIV.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann},
  TITLE = {{A}datree 2 : {B}oosting to build decision trees or {I}mproving {A}datree with soft splitting rules},
  NOTE = {unpublished work done at the Center for Visualisation and Virtual Environments, University of Kentucky},
  YEAR = 2004,
  FILE = {Grossmann04Adatree2.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann},
  TITLE = {Automatic design of cascaded classifiers},
  BOOKTITLE = {Intl. IAPR workshop on statistical pattern recognition},
  YEAR = 2004,
  FILE = {Grossmann04SPR.pdf}

  author =     {J. Gaspar and N. Winters and E. Grossmann and
               J. Santos-Victor},
  title =      {Towards Robot Perception through omnidirectional
  booktitle  = {Innovations in Intelligent Machines - 1},
  pages =      {223-265},
  publisher =  {Springer},
  year =       2007,
  editor =     {J.S. Chahl and  L.C.  Jain and  A. Mizutani and  M. Sato-Ilic},
  volume =     70,
  series =     {Studies in Computational Intelligence}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossman and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {Least-Squares 3{D} Reconstruction From One or More
                  Views and Geometric Clues},
  JOURNAL =	 {Computer Vision and Image Understandng},
  NUMBER =       99,
  PAGES =        {151-174},
  FILE = {GrossmannSantosVictor05CVIU.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {Maximum Likelihood 3{D} Reconstruction from One or
                  More Images under Geometric Constraints},
  PAGES = {343-352},
  YEAR = 2002,
  FILE = {GrossmannSantosVictor02BMVC.pdf},
  FILE2 = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and D. Ortin and J.
  TITLE = {Single and Multi-View Reconstruction of Structured Scenes},
  PAGES = {228-234},
  YEAR = 2002,
  FILE = {Grossmannal02ACCV.pdf},
  FILE2 = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and D. Ortin and J.
  TITLE = {Algebraic Aspects of Reconstruction of Structured
                  Scenes from One or More Views},
  PAGES = {633-642},
  VOLUME = 2,
  YEAR = 2001,
  FILE = {}
  FILE2 = {Grossmannal01BMVC.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {J. Gaspar and E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {Interactive Reconstruction from an Omnidirectional Image},
  YEAR = 2001,
  FILE = {Gasparal01SIRS.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {"Dual Representations" for Vision-Based 3{D} Reconstruction},
  BOOKTITLE = {proc. British Machine Vision Conference},
  YEAR = 2000,
  PAGES = {516-526},
  MONTH = {September},
  ORGANIZATION = {British Machine Vision Association},
  ADDRESS = {Bristol},
  FILE = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {A closed-form Solution for Paraperspective Reconstruction},
  BOOKTITLE = {proc. Intl. Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  YEAR = 2000,
  PAGES = {864-867},
  VOLUME = 1,
  MONTH = {September},
  ADDRESS = {Barcelona},
  FILE = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {The precision of 3{D} reconstruction from uncalibrated views},
  BOOKTITLE = {proc. BMVC},
  YEAR = {1998},
  PAGES = {115-124},
  VOLUME = 1,
  FILE = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos Victor},
  TITLE = {Robust affine flow estimation with controlled
                  computation cost},
  BOOKTITLE = {4th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic
  PAGES = {285-292},
  YEAR = 1996,
  ADDRESS = {Lisbon},
  MONTH = {July},
  FILE = {}

  AUTHOR = {P. Questa and E. Grossmann and G. Sandini},
  TITLE = {Camera self orientation and docking maneuver using normal flow},
  BOOKTITLE = {SPIE AeroSense},
  YEAR = 1995,
  FILE = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann},
  TITLE = {Maximum Likelihood 3{D} Reconstruction From One or
                  More Uncalibrated Views Under Geometric Constraints},
  SCHOOL = {Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico},
  YEAR = 2002,
  FILE = {Grossmann02PhD.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {A differentiable analogue of the null() function},
  INSTITUTION = {Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica},
  YEAR = 2002,
  FILE = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {Using geometric cues for 3{D} reconstruction from a
                  single view},
  JOURNAL = {CVOnline},
  YEAR = 2002,
  URL = {},
  FILE = {GrossmannSantosVictor02CVO.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Vivtor},
  TITLE = {Hand-tracked points for 3{D} reconstruction},
  HOWPUBLISHED = {Archived dataset},
  MONTH = {July},
  YEAR = 1999,
  FILE = {GrossmannSantosVictor99Dataset.tar.gz},
  FILE2 = {GrossmannSantosVictor99Dataset.light.tar.gz}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {Uncertainty Analysis of 3{D} Reconstruction from
                 Uncalibrated Views},
  JOURNAL = {Image and Vision Computing},
  YEAR = 2000,
  PAGES = {685-696},
  VOLUME = 18,
  MONTH = {May},
  FILE = {GrossmannSantosVictor00IVC.pdf}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos Victor},
  TITLE = {Performance evaluation of optical flow estimators :
                  Assessment of a new affine flow method},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
  YEAR = 1997,
  NUMBER = 21,
  PAGES = {69-82},
  FILE = {}

  AUTHOR = {E. Grossmann and J. Santos-Victor},
  TITLE = {Quality Evaluation for Optic Flow Estimators : A
                  need for Vision-based Robotics},
  CHAPTER = {VisLab-TR 08/96},
  PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing},
  YEAR = 1996,
  FILE = {}

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